Medical Cannabis in Alabama: Another Licensing Overhaul or a Path Forward?

27 February 2025

Alabama’s medical cannabis industry is facing yet another roadblock as state lawmakers debate SB 72, a bill that would invalidate existing medical cannabis business licenses and introduce a new evaluation system. The bill, sponsored by Sen. Tim Melson, comes in response to repeated legal disputes and procedural missteps by the Alabama Medical Cannabis Commission (AMCC), which has struggled to implement a fair and consistent licensing process.

If SB 72 passes, the medical cannabis industry in Alabama could face a prolonged period of uncertainty. Businesses that have already invested in infrastructure and compliance may lose their licenses, forcing them to reapply under an entirely new system. This would not only impact business owners but also patients, who continue to wait for the program to become operational.

With the Alabama Court of Civil Appeals expected to rule soon on the ongoing lawsuits against the AMCC, some stakeholders argue that lawmakers should wait for the judicial process to play out before making further changes.

Many believe the AMCC should be allowed to complete the current licensing process rather than forcing businesses to undergo a fourth round of evaluations.

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